Happy Reformation Day! On this day 506 years ago, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses onto the Castle Church door in Wittenberg.  His intention was to challenge the Roman Catholic church to debate their practice of selling indulgences as a form of penance.  This simple act started the Lutheran Reformation and brought much needed attention to the true gospel.


To celebrate such a monumental day for Lutherans, we are chatting with Kim Pfeiffer.  She will be talking about what it means to be Lutheran and the importance of our Lutheran Confessions.


Kim is married to Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer, and together they have 4 children. Originally from Adelaide, they are currently living in St Louis Missouri, where Pastor Joshua is studying his PhD and where Kim is now also studying a Masters of Arts in Theology.


Book of Concord (Lutheran Confessions) – To purchase


Book of Concord – Read free online


Treasury of Daily Prayer


English Translation of the Martin Luther’s 95 Theses


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